The nameless city sleeps beneath a silver glow. Rain glistens on every surface.
Here loves were born, beauties shared, hopes coaxed to life by the gentle song of rain.
The city sleeps. But in a window, one sits awake, watching the lights in the streets below. What is the question that yearns in his eyes? Who holds the answer?
Down on the street, another is awake. Walking under a red umbrella, she hums a soft song of her own invention. Whimsy is in her steps, heedless of splashing through puddles. Perhaps delighting in it.
They are both searching. One with eyes, the other with feet. Somewhere in this city, on this full moon’s night, both will find their answer.
For one, exactly what was expected.
For the other, exactly what was feared.
Their answers lie in the same place: that deep, distant, mechanical heart. His searching eyes will turn to questing steps. Her cheerful steps will turn to awestruck eyes.
The song will stop. And in that silent space, a new tune softly rises. Deep in this hidden space, the two find a secret cage, and locked within, a lonely singer. Who is this fragile songstress? What longing does she carry, does she ache to express?
What hope does she find in the two seekers who arrive at her sterling cage?
Three hands make contact. It is not just one, but all three, who are fragile.
Every heart is like glass.
Glass tells a story. Glass carries works of art. And glass finds its way up to the city streets.
Three broken panes. Fitting together like long-lost puzzle pieces, on this full moon’s night, they brave the shadows. They walk on the sky.
They greet the light, dive into silver mere, and solve the ancient mystery. For its mystery is their mystery. In the light, in the deep, they find what they needed all along.
What she feared. But fears realized might turn out not worth fearing in the first place.
What he expected. But expectations come to life may still surprise us.
What she dared to hope. And a hope fulfilled lights a candle that sets the soul aglow.
United, they find together what will change them, and their city, forever. For the original Love cannot touch something and leave it unchanged.
An oath to remember what they never knew they forgot. Beauty, courage, and gentle defiance.
Shed those tears. Let them burn, hot with true feeling. The finding is in the ache, the search, the fight. No one can ever steal their voice again. The Thief is vanquished, his cruel scheme shattered. And they are finally who they are. Revived, reconnected.
Changed forever.
May you find yourself in their story.