Sometimes you just don’t have it. And it feels like a mess, like a failure. I should have more. I should be able to do this right.
You need to say the words. Words have weight. And that weight can turn what seems like a lie, a fragile hope, into the truth.
Speak your hopes into existence. Time turns its own path, runs its own race. Nothing happens when you want it to.
But it can still happen, exactly when you need it.
The doors that slam in your face? One day the pain of that rejection, that betrayal, will disappear. And you’ll laugh, sing, at how glad you are that those doors closed on you.
I may be floundering, but I’m still living. There is no shame in being weak. And there is no need to stand on your own strength. I’d never have enough strength on my own, anyway.
Reach for the hurting. I can lighten someone else’s load, even when I’m in danger of being crushed. And helping someone else, showing love even when I feel about to drown, barely keeping it together…
It lightens my own load, too.
How crazy is that?
The world isn’t logical. Life isn’t rational.
It is so much more beautiful than that.
Keep moving forward.
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